bridges San Diego

Discover Bible Study

DBS was created by Final Command Ministries

General Ground Rules

Ground Rules for Group Discussion
  1. The facilitator shares first to model pace and vulnerability
  2. Ask every question.
  3. NO one teaches or dominates discussion.
  4. Share briefly.
  5. Start and end every meeting on time.
  6. Have everyone use the same, clear translation
  7. Take notes on OBEY responses to remember for next meeting.
  8. For comments that are strange or outside the passage, ask, “Where is that in the passage?”

DBS - Discovery Bible Study

A 7 session Bible study guide. Especially helpful for unbelievers or new believers.

Discovery Bible Study is designed to introduce international students to the major concepts and themes of the Bible. You can use DBS in group settings or one-on-one. On the reverse side, choose a topic or two from each of the seven themes to cover with your group during the semester. Be sure the group understands the ground rules for group discussion before you begin each meeting, and then work through the questions in the columns below.

DBS Bible Passages

Go through the following series of studies (1-7) by choosing one passage per section. Use 1 passage per study session.

1 God Creates

God creates all things
Genesis 1:1-25

God creates all people
Genesis 2:4-25

Creation testifies to God
Psalm 19

God’s special relationship with humanity
Psalm 139:1-18

2 Man Rebels

People disobey God
Genesis 3

God scatters humanity
Genesis 11:1-9

All have turned away from God
Psalm 14

No one seeks God
Psalm 53

3 God Promises

God’s promise to Abraham
Genesis 12:1-8; 15:1-6

God’s law
Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 5:32-6:2

God’s promise to David
2 Samuel 7:1-17

God promises a suffering servant
Isaiah 52:13-53:12

4 Jesus' Life

Jesus is born
Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20

Jesus is baptized
John 1:19-34

Jesus is tested
Matthew 4:1-22

Jesus and the Samaritan woman
John 4:1-26, 39-42

5 Jesus' Power

Jesus heals a paralyzed man
Luke 5:17-26

Jesus calms a storm
Mark 4:35-41

Jesus has authority over spirits
Mark 5:1-20

Jesus has authority over death
John 11:1-44

6 Jesus' Victory

Jesus shares a last meal
Matthew 26:17-30

Jesus’ death and resurrection
Luke 23:32-24:12

Jesus dies and is buried
John 19:29-42

Jesus appears to His disciples
Luke 24:13-35

7 My Response

Becoming a child of God
John 1:1-18

Being born again
John 3:1-21

How people can know God
John 14:1-14

Believing in Jesus
John 20:19-31

Study Questions

1 - Connect


  • Ask: “What are you thankful for?


  • Ask: “What was a challenge you had this past week?”

How did it go?

  • Ask: “How did your ‘I will,’ sharing, and challenge go from the last time we met?”

2 - Read

Read and Reread

  • Read the entire passage out loud, define confusing words, then have another person read the passage out loud


  • Have someone else retell the passage in their own words.


  • Together fill in any missing details.

3 - Discover


  • Ask: “What does this passage say about God?”


  • Ask: “What does this passage say about people?”


  • Ask: “What does obedience look like from this passage?”

4 - Obey

"I will"

  • Ask: “In light of this passage, how will your week be different this week?”
  • Have everyone create an “I will” statement.


  • Ask: “This week, who can you tell what you learned today?”


  • Ask: “What is an ongoing or upcoming challenge that we could help with or pray for?”