What is your Destiny?
It’s a big question, but take a moment and think about it. In the midst of classes, homework, social events, and the general busyness of life, we can stop thinking about the big questions.
What is your Destiny? What are you meant to do? Who were you made to be? When you think about your future, what do you hope to see?
All of us, no matter where we are from, search for a specific meaning and purpose in life; a reason to be here and a hope for our future. Is it to be successful? Wealthy? Make a difference in the world? Receive honor? Have a family? Be the best?
Or maybe you don’t see any specific meaning.
No matter what it is, think about the purpose of your life. What is your Destiny?
There are a lot of places you can find the answer to that question, but we believe the Bible gives us a very compelling one. It says that God created us all for a very specific purpose. It says He has written a Destiny not only for the world as a whole but for each one of us individually. It says that this Destiny is the most satisfying thing we can experience. It also says that this is all possible because of the life of a man named Jesus.
These are the types of things we explore and learn as we gather together with students from all over the world at Bridges events and we would love for you to join us. Check out our events page to find out when we meet or reach out to talk to someone on our leadership team.
So join us! Talk about your Destiny. Have fun. Think about the big questions. Explore and learn with Bridges San Diego.